Explore nossa biblioteca de recursos preparada pelos especialistas em negociação da Scotwork. Veja abaixo uma variedade de artigos de blog, folhetos de cursos, e-books e vídeos.
Explore nossa biblioteca de recursos preparada pelos especialistas em negociação da Scotwork. Veja abaixo uma variedade de artigos de blog, folhetos de cursos, e-books e vídeos.
Pesquisamos 6.600 vendedores e foi isso que descobrimos
Descobertas das Pesquisa de Capacidades
Apenas 18% têm um plano alternativo se não conseguirem chegar a um acordo
Apenas 21% acreditam que o relacionamento foi fortalecido quando concluem uma negociação
I am Greek, so I cannot claim objectivity on the subject matter. But it is hard to refrain from pointing out a few points of interest, from a negotiator’s viewpoint.
Negotiators often rate their own ability as below average, and this lack of confidence, when combined with self-defeating behaviours, becomes a crippling disadvantage...
I was a nerd as a teenager. You don’t need to know all the details but one indicator was that my crowning desire was to possess my own copy of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Priced (in the 1970’s) at a staggering £1200 for all 25 volumes it was so far...
In my house, I had, until recently, a large copper tank which contained our hot water supply. Some years ago, I had a “rainwater” shower installed – one of these wonderful things that cascade hot water over you in the morning as you brace yourself...
Nick Ford - Director, Global Client Operations at WPP