Price is often what people focus on in a negotiation. It’s easy to measure, easy to compare, and easy to argue. But focusing only on price reduces a negotiation to a zero-sum game. Instead of simply pushing for more or resisting change, negotiator...
Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he’s impossible to ignore and boy doesn’t he get a ton of press. In the past few weeks, we have continued to see his negotiation position being one of, I’ll try to take what I want and will display…
As leaders, pundits, and influencers try to simplify incredibly complex topics into shareable soundbites or clickbait, the use of ultimatums is on the rise. At every turn, it feels like we're faced with some sort of threat wrapped in an ulimatum....
Black Friday has spread around the world. Originally a purely Amercian tradition tied to Thanksgiving, Black Friday drew large crowds, attracted by heavy discounts. In is first few years, the event was marked by chaotic scenes, with shoppers physi...