Scotwork New Zealand’s purpose has always been to help people and organisations work together to get better deals and outcomes. We’ve continued this through lockdown.
We’ve offered our training in a virtual format. This has been so well received, that in future, we will be offering our Advancing Negotiation Skills open courses in both Virtual Advancing Negotiation Skills format, alongside our traditional face to face courses. There are substantial savings to both clients and Scotwork NZ in using this format and this is reflected in the fee we will be charging for Virtual Advancing Negotiation Skills open course places going forward.
We’ve also offered “Elk Steaks” (freebies to the uninitiated) to our alumni, those we’ve trained and worked with previously, and those that we haven’t. This has been in the form of free advice and guidance to those who have sought it, as well as producing ebooks like:
- “Negotiating in uncertain times”
- “Negotiating begins at home”
- “The A to Z of negotiation” and
- The webinar “Negotiating in uncertain times”
If you missed any of these and would like them, then either click on the links or just email us and we will happily provide them to you. There’s a heap of free resources to be found on our website – we encourage you to use and share them.
We’ll shortly be offering another free webinar: “Negotiating via email” along with a companion ebook.
The world, our markets and businesses have and will continue to change. Many deals, contracts, agreements and relationships we had, will need to be re-negotiated, whether we like it or not. Those who are prepared, skilled and flexible will be not only the survivors but the ones that thrive in this time of accelerated change. Scotwork NZ can help you on that journey.
Free Negotiating Skills Capability Survey. The first step on any journey is to identify where we are now. Scotwork NZ is offering our Negotiating Skills Capability Survey free of charge to organisations who need or want to measure and benchmark their capability in this vital skills area. Under normal circumstances, there is a fee associated with the survey and presentation of a report, but these are not normal circumstances. We’ll do this free of charge. There’s no commitment, obligation to buy or pay for anything. The survey will tell you how well your organisation negotiates and what, if anything, you need to do to fill in any gaps in either approach or skills. The survey is quick and easy to complete. If you’d like to discuss or want more information on the survey, then contact:
Many of Scotworks services are registered with NZTE’s Management Capability Development Voucher Fund. Businesses employing up to 100 employees may qualify for vouchers to help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build the management capabilities of their owners, operators and key managers. Management Capability Development Vouchers are only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisors. Vouchers may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business. For more information on the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund or to find your local Growth Advisor go to:
If you need assistance, advice, or just a sounding board, please let us know, we’re here to help., P: 04 2979069